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Architecture History & Theory

A module designed to take students on a journey back to the beginning of humanity and learn about how architecture has progressed throughout the millenniums to what we have today.

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Self  Reflection

As the name suggests, this module has opened my eyes towards the astonishing buildings humanity has built and achieved with the technology they had at the time. This also include to the inspirations of designs through their belief during their civilisations.

This module being an online based module is not an issue as pre recorded lectures are sufficient and informative for me to refer to. The lecturers were really friendly and attentive to our curious questions. Mr Syazwan and Ms Deliya were great tutors based on my experience as they strive for the very best outcome in their students. 

Although I was not too keen on the sketching analysis project, I do understand that when we draw, we can understand the buildings details even more. The second project was a very in depth analysis on two given historical and iconic buildings in Malaysia. Through this project, I got to appreciate the decisions made by architects to convey the design perfectly in this country.

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